Remember Luke is on the left and Prentiss on the right. Oh by the way, "little Mama" is in the center. I could never tell she was sleep deprived. Looks good to me!!HA!! They went to the pediatricians yesterday and got their first official visit with first round of "baby shots". Prentiss did not get all of his at the same time due to his heart problems. They are doing great!! I thank GOD for His work. They both weigh 6lbs 6oz and both are 19 1/2 inches long.
Prentiss is getting a formula with higher calorie content to "fatten" him up for his surgery. Mom and Dad got more sleep last night because they decided they would go to bed earlier whenever the boys decided to sleep. (They're figuring it out) HA!! Prentiss was awake quite a bit today, Luke wanted to sleep all day. How do you get them on the same sleep schedule?? Anyone have any ideas???? We are desperate.....
Appts next week are cardiology and ophthalmology....all in the same day. Whew!!!
They are totally adorable! I'm not the one to ask about sleeping and schedules! I'm not sure mine sleep through the night as grownups!
Mommy looks awesome with those darling little guys. Their weight gain is wonderful.
The only hint that I can give for scheduling is to awake both of them at the same time and pester the sleeping one until he is so thankful that you leave him alone for sleep time. I am sure that they must be on three hour feeding orders at this point. Good luck. This will all pass.
Pappy would like to thank everyone who has and still are praying. I know that their is MUCH power in prayer. I am proof!
Oh, the boys look beautiful and so does Mom! What fun what fun! Don't have a clue how to get them on the same schedule but one of the young girls that works with me has twin boys that will be three in February. I'll ask her what advice she has. I know it is a challenge but this time will go quickly! At least for me it will; for those parents getting up all night it will seems forever! Aren't you glad you can go home and go to bed!LOL
Thank you so much for your prayers, your babies are beautiful and they are on my prayer list too. God is a miracle God, and in that I do believe. I am already enjoying blogging and I added you to my list. Thanks again, I'll check up later, Debbie
OK, YaYa - I asked my young friend how she got her twins on the same sleep-feeding schedule and she said when one twin wakes for feeding, wake the other one and make him eat too. Took about three weeks to get them on the same schedule. Hope it works---and soon!! ♥♥♥ Sharon
Oh, my! Pop was online and didn't sign out of his account so when I posted it says, "Charlie said..." I forgot to check and you know I have to check because he's not going to make sure he signs out. (sigh) Oh, well - sorry.
Sharon, Pop has done that before on my blog....I understand, I have a Pappy!1 HA!!!
Thanks for the scheduling advice. I think little Mama's problem is Prentiss having to take meds and having to wait a certain amt of time before he feeds.....yes, I am glad I get to go home and go to bed...WHEW!!!!
Our GOD is an awesome GOD! He is a HEALER! He is healing! I gave a shout of praise when I read this as I turned my lap top around for my hubby to see your precious Grand babies whom we've been praying for, he then gave a shout too. What a beautiful way to start our morning. Praising the LORD for what he's doing for these precious little boys and for all the wonderful times to come for them.
Bless the LORD.
Wow.. mom looks great holding her twin boys.Luke and Prentiss look wonderful and are gaining weight nicely... in the nursery , we always would feed the babies every three hours and at the same will work out her own schedule in time..
It is amazing how our bodies adapt to waking up often and feeding the blessings to all of you!!
Hugs, Baba
Holy Smokes, no wonder I haven't seen you lately. You've been very busy. Oh but, they are so adorable. So sweet. God Bless all of you. Thanks so much for your visit, come by again when you get a spare moment.
They are precious! I will keep you all in my prayers.
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