Saturday, January 3, 2009

First of Many

Last night was our "first official full body bath". I think "we" decided it was
not an activity we were interested in. Our thoughts were to sleep so that we could keep our Mom and Dad up all night and "party".....they say we have got our days and nights mixed up....but we have got to"show" everyone who is in control!! HA!! We sure do like that nice king size bed Mom and Dad have....we think we may take it over tonight!! or maybe we could "swing" all know everytime the swing stops they get up and start it back. HA!! tee hee!!! They say they are tired and sleep deprived....they "just don't know we are just gettin started" HA!!!! TEE!! HEE!!!!

We wouldn't do that 'cause we're little least that is what YaYa says anyway!!!


Raxx - A day in the life said...

They look awesome! Really healthy and ready for hte world! God bless them!

Deare Diary said...

I think that YaYa is going to be an ENABLER!Ha

Baba said...

I used to love giving my preemie babies a bath.They would relax in the water and after I dressed them,I could brush their hair.. I miss that!

Did the nurses tell you that they only need a bath every other day or longer?..their bottoms get cleaned often...I wish I lived closer to you and could help with your sweet grandsons..

Thanks for keeping us up with the latest news on these guys..
Hugs, Baba

Michele Williams said...

So precious! It's been 14 years since I have given a baby a bath... my grandson... Wow! It's such a precious time! They grow up too fast, so enjoy every minute! Blessings....

kristina said...

"we" are little angels! though can't wait to see what yaya will do when "we" come over with our bikes from pappy! "we" say, she'll just have to join the party =)

YaYa's Funhouse said...

Baba, I wish you were closer too. Preemie are so different than full term.Both my boys were big 8lbs1 1/2oz
and the preemies dad was 9 lbs 10 1/2 oz. EVERYTHING is different...I'm trying to hang in...Little Mom and Dad are not getting any sleep. I offered to take Luke home with me so that they could maybe get some sleep, but no-way.(I only live a few blocks away) I knew Mom won't want Prentiss out of her sight because of his heart.
Just pray for all of them....