Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Son

My older son, AKA Uncle Jamie is 33 today. I never realized I could hurt so much and still live...."back in the day" there was no epidural!!!! HA!! At 4:25 pm on that day I learned what true love really meant. The love a mother has for her child. Noway to describe. I love you , son.

Hey Ethel!!! Happy Birthday to thought I forgot, didn't you???? I won't elaborate on the NUMBER!!! HA!!!!

1 comment:

Justabeachkat said...

Hi sweet friend, remember me? I've been so bad about my blog visiting lately. Life has just been Crazy with a captial "C"! The dust is settling a bit so I'm glad to have some time to blog.

Happy Birthday to your sweet son!
