Who knows maybe one day I may disappear from bloggy land and be "eaten alive" by this thing called FACEBOOK. Have you lost any friends from bloggyland to this epidemic? Help me to understand!!!
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago
A tale of life, laughter, and love.
I have noticed less people blogging but attributed it to summer. I hope that's the case.
I'm on facebook and see how it can easily become a timetrap. Time will tell.
Blessings ~ Lisa
I haven't figured out that FB thing. I am on it as I had to sign up to read accolades for a friend's son, but have not gotten "into" it yet. Seems like everyone is flipping over to FB and Twit*ter.
I don't farm either!!! I do facebook, but I don't play the games....too time consuming! I still l!ike my blogging
I know what you mean. I do facebook too (sometimes)...usually when I'm on a trip since it's easy to "stay in touch". I don't play all the silly games, etc. that lots of people do on facebook though. I've lost a few readers because of facebook too. I don't understand.
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