This is second day post surgery. Does he look like he has had heart surgery to you??? Not to me. He is doing extremely well. I give God all the credit. Prentiss was in His hands through out the entire surgery and still is. It only took one hour from start to finish. Prentiss only had to be stuck once for his IV placement. He never cried about having to be without his feedings. He was without food and drink for over 12 hours. He played and laughed until he went back to surgery around 12:30 that day.
He was taken off the Captopril. He has to take Lasix and Digioxin only until he goes back for his checkup then hopefully he will come off that. We are so grateful.
This is Prentiss and Luke's grandpa from Michigan. Can you tell he is PROUD? HA! They will be here until Labor Day then fly back home. The boys will be lost without Grandma and Grandpa.
Yesterday Grandma and Lil Mom took the boys shopping and got new car seats for Dad's truck and also got the boys new shoes. They are not so sure about them. Check it out. HA!!
Grandma is holding Prentiss and Luke is with Lil Mom. No, I didn't chop off Grandma's head....she doesn't want her picture know us "hairdo's"
May I'll be able to get a pic before they leave Monday.....I'll try Prentiss and Luke.