Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII

Here we go....not really!! Who in the world has money for tickets in this economy? Some do! They say the price of tickets were dropping this week...whhh let me rush out and get mine at $800-$1000 per ticket. Don't get me wrong, hey if you got the money...go for it!!! Enjoy it! Did you see the cost of ads to be aired during the event? NBC will earn as much as $3 million to air an ad for 30 seconds during the game between Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. That's up 11% over the $2.7 million that Fox charged for the top TV ad slots last year.

My favorite part of the Super Bowl is the ads and the half-time show. This year our own "Mississippi girl" will be singing America the Beautiful as part of the pre-game show. Be sure to check that out...none other than FAITH HILL.
We are so proud.

However, this year I am alittle more interested cause I do love a good Cinderella story. Kurt Warner. That's what his life is called. There is an e-mail story circulating that I had posted and a bloggin friend had told me it was an untruth...similar story but not quite true....check it out at

Thanks Sharon

Good Luck Today....there is one MS girl "pullin" for you!!


Sharon said...

I posted that same story on my blog and since have sadly discovered that it is mostly untrue. The real story is even better. Read this at Snopes:
I should have been suspicious since I got the story in an email. Those things should always be "Snoped"

YaYa's Funhouse said...

Oh my gosh!!! I will delete that story. So sorry...thanks for the info..yes, I should have known better about e-mails..Hope you have a good night. I'm going over to relieve...Little Dad called and babies are extra fussy today. Whew!!!

Sit A Spell said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am not far from Flint. Your gran babies are precious.

Grace said...

Hi Yaya, I saw the pictures of your twin grandkids, and they are so cute.
I was watching the super bowl yesterday, my mom-in-law called me when the song was being sang. She made me stand and give honor to the song. Oh by the way, I just came here in US for 7 months now. :)

YaYa's Funhouse said...

Grace, Thank you for your sweet comments. We should all stand and pay respect for songs of our country.
Welcome to the USA. Come back to visit when you can